Things To Do After A Truck Accident Injury In New York

Things To Do After A Truck Accident Injury In New York

The weather conditions of New York State make it a hazardous place especially for the commercial trucks with heavy loads as there are limited possibilities of maneuverability due to the existence of great lakes and the effect of snowfall. Though even in difficult weather conditions, motorists can adjust their driving style but the risk of negligent and uncontrolled driving of truck drivers has to be faced even by the safest drivers. Some helpful information about the things to be done when you get a truck accident injury in New York, before contacting a car accident lawyer, as the rate of fatality due to truck accidents is increasing day-by-day.

Steps to be taken at the scene of accident

You should take some important steps immediately after settling down the chaotic situation on the site of the accident. The drivers belonging to New York are supposed to stop for a while to give and take some information. A report of truck accident injury or damages has to be filed within 10 days of the accident if the cost of damage or injury is more than $1,000. It can be a criminal offense and can result in revocation or suspension of the license of the driver if he fails to give correct information about the accident to a police officer or any other driver or fail to file the report of injury or damage due to an accident within 10 days. The best thing to do, in the case of an accident with a truck, is to call a car accident lawyer and the police at the site of the accident to investigate the situation and create its report as significant damage to property or injuries are obvious things to happen in a truck accident.

Violation of rules and regulations

The involvement of a transportation company makes truck accidents different from other types of accidents occurring on roadways. Most of such companies usually skip abiding by various types of rules and regulations set under the law of state and federal governments. They may be related to working hours and licensing of the drivers, maintenance of the records of the qualifications and performance of the drivers, violation of traffic rules and testing of substance abuse etc. Annual review of the record of the drivers is also expected to be done by transportation companies in New York. These regulations are unluckily violated repeatedly by these companies when state and federal governments are trying to promote safe driving o the roads. On one hand, such violations expose the increasing liability of the companies along with creating hazards on road ways.

Therefore, car accident lawyers in New York usually use such trucking companies by following the theory of respondeat superior for the negligence of their drivers, after the occurrence of a truck accident injury or damage of property. The companies are held liable for the faulty actions of their drivers due to their employer and employees relationship. However, these companies can also be used independently for failing to abide by the state and federal regulations or hiring the drivers negligently.

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