Things to Do After Bicycle Collision before Calling Accident Lawyer

Things to Do After Bicycle Collision before Calling Accident Lawyer

One of the most common types of bicycle accidents in New York is hit and run accident due to a negligence of car drivers. Bicycle collisions usually occur due to the involvement of the car drivers in some other activities while driving their car like talking to the passengers in the car, busy on the cell phone or just because he/she was not attentive to the traffic on the road. The drivers can usually collide with anyone whether a pedestrian of a bicyclist in any of the conditions mentioned above. Although the drivers responsible for such collisions should stop their car to help the injured person or persons some of them go on driving their vehicle even after hitting someone badly. In such conditions, these drivers should do certain things along with calling an accident lawyer.

Things to do after bicycle accident

Most of the bicyclists can recover the damages caused by the bicycle collision from the company that has insured their bicycle but this recovery can be difficult if you have called police before you call your accident lawyer. But hit and run accidents can be dangerous for the career of the car drivers. If you are involved in a hit and run accident with a bicyclist then to protect their legal rights the drivers should do few things described here under.

File a report with police: It is believed that police has many sources to get information about negligent escapist drivers who run away from the site of the accident to catch them but if you file a report yourself then there can be chances of lenient response for the police. Moreover, your insurance company will also appreciate if you file the police report about your collision with the cyclist yourself. You can also consult an accident lawyer while filing the police report.

Inform your health and car insurance providers: If you have got injured or your car has got damaged in the accident with bicyclist then you should file the claim with your health and car insurance companies at an earliest possible time. The only source to recover your damages in such condition can be your insurance policy.

Get medical aid immediately: After your accident with a bicyclist, you should immediately see your doctor even if you are actually not hurt. There can be some hidden injuries in your body which may not show up even after few days and cause internal damages. You should not ignore even a minor injury on your body as it can become dangerous with time.

Find out witnesses and collect their contact details: Even if you have run away from the site of accident due to your negligent driving still you should find out some witnesses near that spot who have seen the happening of bicycle collision. They can provide you right information about that accident. There can be chances that some of them can give the statement to the police favorable for you. You should also collect the contact details of the witnesses to summon them in the court in your support.

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