Drone Safety, Drone Injuries and Filing Lawsuit.

Drone Safety, Drone Injuries and Filing Lawsuit.

The ability to observe remote areas inaccessible due to noise, cost or physical dangers involved makes drones — also known as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) a remarkable technology. However, possible dangers, as well as privacy concerns of uncontrolled drones causing personal injury or property damage due to loss of signal, makes use of UAVs a new area that may require crafting of new laws. Both the manufacturer and users of UAVs/drones should be aware of the legal issues applicable to the operations, and also plan for uncertain or awful happenings through insurance coverage, risk reduction policies as well as legal compliance policies.

What Laws and Regulations Apply to Drone/UAV Use?

Traditional laws of tort, for example, invasion of privacy is likely to apply in UAVs, but commercial use of UAVs may trigger the doctrine of Federal Preemption. In recent cases, there have increased cases of drone failure that has caused injury, loss of life and property.

Although many people think drones are military aircraft, there is increased use of drones for commercial as well as civic purposes. Drones can be used many operations such as:

  • Photography such as sports coverage.
  • Commercial purposes such as filmmaking
  • By security officers such as search and rescue, work and fire fighting, maritime and border patrol
  • Oil and gas exploration
  • Real Estate surveying.
  • Delivery services
  • News Coverage

In the US, the regulation of UAV is under the FAA (Federal Aviation and Administration), which requires commercial UAV operators to get The Certificate of Authorization. However, many commercial UAV operators are making a lot of profit making them to either ignore or believe the Federal Regulations are supportive and relevant to the developing technology. Due to increased cases of drone injury, personal injury attorney has been working to help those who have been injured by UAV or lost their loved ones.

You are entitled to file a lawsuit with the personal injury attorney.

If you have been injured by the drone, or you have lost your loved one to drone injury, you are eligible to file a UAV injury lawsuit, and also secure compensations for the injuries or death. But you should work with a lawyer who is qualified and experienced in handling such cases.

You should not wait for so long, the earlier you file the lawsuit, the better you are likely to get compensations. If you wait for so long, chances are the evidence and witnesses may disappear, and the insurance firm may also take advantage of you. The UAVs lawyer will swiftly move to secure evidence and gather more info that will increase the chances of getting compensation.

More laws regulating the use of drones.

The use of drones is increasing each day, if proper laws are not put in place, we are likely to lose many people. To curb drone injuries and deaths and ensure injured or deaths from the use of UAVs is properly compensated, the FAA has set 2015 September the date to establish guidelines for safe integration of UAV into the US airspace.

Whether you are the manufacturer or drone user, there is a risk of property and personal injury. It is very wise to obtain insurance coverage that specifically applies to your operations.

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