Our city would not exist without the indispensable labor of construction workers. Our skyscrapers, apartment buildings, public buildings, schools, hospitals, and bridges are all the result of the performance of dozens of often physically demanding construction jobs. Unfortunately, many workers are injured or made ill while on the job. If you are the victim of a construction related injury you need a Brooklyn accident attorney to ensure that your legal rights are protected. To learn about the compensation that may be available to you, please call the Law Offices of Tanya Gendelman, P. C. at 1-877-WE$ETTLE (877-937-3885)
Under New York law you don’t have to rely only on worker’s compensation benefits when hurt at work. Injured laborers can file a personal injury lawsuit. Contact us and an accident lawyer in Brooklyn from our law firm can walk you through every step of the process in seeking damages for your injuries.
We are sensitive to the fact that people who are hurt in construction due to the negligence of others are almost always the main source and often the sole source of income for the family. An on-the-job injury that results in time missed at work can financially devastate a family very quickly. Medical bills and unexpected expenses arise and income stops. We know that you need your job and that you want to work. Let us help you find a quick, successful resolution to this unexpected event. A Brooklyn accident lawyer from our firm can meet with you to explain the legal choices that you have based on the details of your case.
You may have a personal injury case if you were hurt due to unsafe conditions at your worksite, mistakes by others, a fall, dropped objects, scaffolds, structural collapse or faulty equipment or procedures. You may have been exposed to toxins or other harmful substances, the symptoms of which may not show up for many years. We have the resources to investigate and recreate the incident whether it occurred in Brooklyn, Brighton Beach, NYC or elsewhere in the state.
Each auto accident attorney Brooklyn at the Law Offices of Tanya Gendelman, P. C. can also handle other personal injuries including claims for those injured in car crashes.