A Family Get $5 million Compensation for Wrongful Death

A Family Get $5 million Compensation for Wrongful Death

A 24-year-old man, Gonzalez Lorenzo has been charged for killing Justina Lerra in a car accident on November 20, 2014. In what was termed as the fatal accident, Lorenzo was charged with driving while under influence of alcohol. Lorenzo was driving Volkswagen when his car rear ended Nissan Altima driven by Lerra. Lerra died while receiving medical care at a nearby hospital. The accident also left two people seriously injured.

It is against traffic laws to drive while under influence of any drug. Lerra family has filed a lawsuit against Lorenzo for wrongful death. With the proper legal team, the family is likely to receive compensation for.

Medical and funeral expenses- the family will be compensated for all the medical and funeral expenses they have incurred.

Lost earning- the family will also be compensated for the lost wages. This is very important if the man was the family breadwinner.

Pain and suffering- the family will also be compensated for pain and suffering they have undergone.

People who were injured are also entitled to file a lawsuit with an accident lawyer seeking for lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering they have undergone.

According to the defendant’s lawyer, his client was not under the influence when the accident occurred. If he was at fault, his driving license may be suspended or revoked.

In another accident, the family of the child who was killed by David Cassidy has received $5 million compensation for wrongful death. The family filed wrongful death lawsuit when their son was killed by the Partridge Family star. During the accident, David alcohol test was 18% above the legal limit. David was charged with the driving while under influence. The compensation included funeral and medical expenses, lost earning and compensation for the pain and suffering as well as emotion distress that the family has undergone. This is the third time David has been arrested- the first time he caused property damage, the second time he left 2 people seriously injured while the third time he killed a child and left 4 people injured. David was also sentenced to probation- he will attend the alcohol rehabilitation for 90 days and remain on probation for 5 years. In addition, he will have to attend alcohol education for 9 months. He also risks license suspension or revocation. People who were injured are also entitled to file personal injury lawsuit.

File a lawsuit with accident lawyer

If you have lost you loved to car injury or you have incurred injuries, you are eligible to file a lawsuit with the accident lawyer. Although the monetary compensation will not bring back your loved ones, the money will offer consolation and also enable your family lives a good life. For example, the family that has been compensated for losing the child, the monetary compensation will definitely offer consolation and also serve as a warning to other drivers who drive while under influence.

For your claim to succeed, you should see personal injury soon ASAP. The attorney will move to secure evidence and also gather evidence that will ensure you receive adequate fair compensation.

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