A Quick Look at Brooklyn’s Accidents, Injuries and Judgments

A Quick Look at Brooklyn’s Accidents, Injuries and Judgments

Is there is one thing man has completely failed at is to stop accidents. We once thought strict laws would at least rid our headlines of such sad news. Safer roads and pedestrian walk lanes have not just done enough to reduce accidents. Although there has been a significant reduction in accidents in the recent past, the headlines below reminded us of how far we are from success.

Bicyclist dies and three other get injuries in a Barclays Downtown Center Accident

On the morning of July 13 2015, Brooklyn witnessed death a bicyclist aged 30 in grisly crash. According to authorities, an SUV headed northbound made a seemingly deliberate cross over the double yellow line on Flatbush Avenue into the southbound lane and hit the cyclist before striking a Mitsubishi close by. The bicyclist was pronounced dead. It was gruesome. Such scenes that reminds you how nasty life can get. In an event that did not last more than 5 minutes, it could not get worse than shattered glass, smashed vehicles, littered car parts that went up to 5 blocks and a sickening view of a man lying at the center of Flatbush Avenue.

It was later confirmed by authorities that the man behind the accident had a medical condition, according to witnesses, the man driving the SUV did not appear in control of his vehicle. After hitting the cyclist, he drove straight on with the victim on his hood. Police questioned the man and charges might be pressed.

Brooklyn minister sentenced to 41/2 in prison

In a recent ruling by a Brooklyn supreme court judge, a man was charged for a living a fatal accident scene in which a man died. Michael Casale, 54 was sentenced to 41/2 years in jail. During the ruling, the judge stated that, as a minister, the defendant should have acted in compassion to another man.

In Gerritsen Beach June 2014, Bryan Loughran aged 32 was struck by Michael Casale. The defendant fled the scene and later called the police after two hours. He attempted to conceal responsibility by announcing his van stolen. Police later arrested a defensive Casale at his home. In his guilty plead, the defendant said sorry as he broke into tears. He seemed deep into emotions as he felt pain of living with the burden of living with the death of another man.

Burn injury attorney Brooklyn

Although among the top five causes of accidental deaths in the US, Brooklyn has not seen burn injuries in the recent past. There might have been minor cases but none caught the attention of a major headline. According to a renowned burn injury attorney Brooklyn, plant explosions, chemical spills, hot commercial coffee, chemical spills, defective products, electrical faults, cooking accident and many other instances, cause burn injuries. In the event that the above instances were caused by one’s negligence, one can press charges. Massive scarring, complication in treatment, psychological pain and rehabilitation are some of inconveniences a burn injury victim has to go through. With that in mind, it is only logical that one finds compensation by enlisting a qualified burn injury lawyer to get them through the case.

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