Free Police Report

Free Police Report

Ask us for a Free Copy of Your Traffic Accident Report Here

Qualified accident victims can receive a free copy of their police report from us. If you or a loved one was involved in an auto accident, or any other accident type to which the police responded, we will order a copy of your police report at no cost and with no obligation to you.

Call now to get your free police report


You are under no obligation to hire our Law Firm or pay us any of the costs to obtain your report. We do this as a public service to help protect accident victims.

We know the insurers are working to minimize and close your claim quickly, so that they do not have to pay you what your case is worth. We believe that it is unfair that insurance companies and their lawyers operate to make a profit off of your loss.

Our goal is to protect our communities and even the playing field. By offering this service, we provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about the value of your case so that you can take appropriate actions.

Call us today to discuss your case and to request your free police report.

A police report provides information about the time and location of the accident, cause of accident, the parties involved, witness statements, insurance information, moving violations, and more.

Contents of a Police Report

At the scene of the incident, the investigating officer is conducting a number of tasks: inspecting vehicles, talking to people, measuring distances, writing notes, and taking photographs. The officer is completing some or all of these tasks in order to gather necessary information for later drafting the police report. In short, the police report is a summary of the police officer’s investigation of the accident. The police report will often contain some or all of the following information:

  • approximate date, time, and location of the collision
  • identifying information for parties involved in the car accident, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information
  • identifying information for witnesses
  • location of damage to the vehicles involved in the accident
  • weather, roadway, and lighting conditions at the scene
  • diagram of the accident
  • statements from the parties and witnesses
  • citations and/or violations of law, and
  • opinions as to cause of the collision and/or a fault determination.

Insurance Companies

After a car accident, when a claim is reported, the insurance company will conduct its own investigation. One of the first things that an insurance company will ask for is the police report. This is because, the report contains a vast amount of information pertaining to the car accident, and is therefore a valuable resource for further investigation. Learn more about Car Accidents and Car Insurance.

Call now to get your free police report


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